Monday, 1 September 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS: "2014 European elections: Italian politics and the European challenge"

The Italian Politics Specialist Group is organising a one-day conference, kindly hosted by the University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre, which will be held in Glasgow on 14-15 January 2015 (lunch-time to luch-time).

The theme of the conference is "2014 European Elections: Italian Politics and the European Challenge".

The aim of the conference is to offer a timely analysis of the May 2014 European Election, and the way in which the Italian political system, as well as those of other countries, and the EU institutions, have emerged from it.

Paper are invited which provide reflections on the effects that the May 2014 EU elections have had and are likely to have on the Italian political system and beyond, encouraging both case studies on Italy and comparative analyses. To this end, we welcome paper proposals that fit within the following four thematic panels: 

1) EU Elections: Results and their impact on the Italian Political Landscape (focus only on Italy)

2) Going Forward: Italy between Institutional Reforms and the EU (focus only on Italy)

3) Euroscepticism, Nationalism and Populism (comparative focus)

4) North-South Divide and a New European Union (compartive focus)

Full details about the conference and the specific thematic panels can be found HERE.

Paper proposals (max 300 words, with a clear indication of the panel of interest) should be submitted by 3 October to Arianna Giovannini, Laura Polverari and Antonella Seddone, from any of whom further details about the conference can be obtained.

The conference will be opened by prestigious key-note speakers.
The event will be closed by a round-table discussion with invited international speakers on "Italy: between Europhilia and Euro-Scepticism". Journalists from Italian and UK media will also be invited to attend.

Attendance to the conference is free of charge, but registration will be required (details on how to register will be provided in due course).

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