Italy election: what we know so far about who could form a government
by Daniele Albertazzi **
Italy has been a populist stronghold for two and a half decades – that is since 1994, when Silvio Berlusconi
created his Forza Italia (FI) party. His goal was allegedly to “save”
the Italian people from being governed by “Communists” after the
collapse of centrist parties under the weight of anti-corruption
investigations. Having won the election in the same year, Berlusconi
then led a short-lived coalition government, with the support of the
extreme-right party the Social Movement and the regionalist populist
Lega Nord.
Fast forward 24 years to the 2018 election,
and not only is Berlusconi still FI’s leader (and indeed owner), but,
together with a renewed Lega, he has again managed to assemble an
electoral coalition that could end up in government.
However, this time there is an important twist: yet another populist
political actor was born in the meantime and now happens to be the
largest single party of all: the Five Star Movement (M5s).
Having entered the Italian political scene less than ten years ago as
an anti-establishment force, this group has struck a chord with an
electorate weighted down by the economic crisis and fed up with the
corruption of mainstream parties. In this election the party has
attracted just below one third of the votes by standing alone.
Rising stars
A first analysis of the electoral outcome should start with the undisputed winner
– that is M5s. There is no denying it has achieved an amazing result,
especially given that its performance in leading local administrations
in recent years, particularly the city of Rome, has been far from
Having gained around 32% of the national vote, M5s has confirmed its
position as the most successful new party in the history of Western
Europe (going from 0 to 25% between 2009 and 2013, and having grown of a
further 7% in the following five years). As such, the Italian
president, Sergio Mattarella, might well feel compelled to give it a
chance to form a government before exploring the alternatives. M5S founder Beppe Grillo with the party’s proposed candidate for prime minister Luigi Di Maio.EPA
However, it is not obvious at this stage who could work with Beppe
Grillo’s party to lead the country. A solution will probably turn out to
be to reach an agreement with the Democratic Party (PD). But that’s the
very party that M5s has long identified as the source of the country’s
ills. This would be a complete reversal of the position taken by M5s
after the 2013 election, when it refused to even consider such a
possibility and went into opposition, forcing the PD to govern with FI.
The difference between then and now, however, is considerable. Back
then, the PD-led coalition had emerged from the election with 29% of the
vote – the largest share. M5s took 25%. Moreover, this coalition had a
much larger number of seats than M5s, due to the electoral law in force
at the time. This time round, the PD suffered a crushing defeat (its
vote has gone down from 25% in 2013 to 18%) and would be forced into a
supporting role if it went in to partnership with the dominant M5S. It’s
unclear why the Democrats would want to swallow such a bitter pill.
While not impossible (after all, the centre-left has a great ability to
shoot itself in the foot), I regard such a solution as very unlikely. It
would be tantamount to committing political suicide.
A right-wing alliance
Meanwhile, the right wing alliance – made up of Berlusconi’s FI,
Matteo Salvini’s Lega and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, is by far
the largest coalition. However, the Lega has overcome FI for the first
time with an astonishing 17% of the vote (vs FI’s 14%). Feeling good: Matteo Salvini.EPA
This is very significant since the agreement between the two was that
whichever of them came on top would have a right to put forward the
prime minister. If the right eventually manages to gain the support of
enough MPs to create a government, therefore, Salvini would have to lead
Salvini’s radicalism and harsh rhetoric
(particularly on immigration) makes it less likely that anyone would
want to give the right wing coalition this opportunity (and in any case,
it is not clear at this stage where such extra MPs would come from).
But having brought the party from 4% in 2013 to 17% today (the best
result ever achieved by the party, and by far) Salvini’s position within
the Lega is now unassailable.
Who governs?
With the right-wing alliance unlikely to have enough seats to govern
on its own and voters so obviously fed up with mainstream parties, it
now looks at least possible that, despite their differences, the Lega
and M5s may want to explore the possibility of governing together. This
would be very difficult for the Lega, as the party would need to ditch
its well tested alliance with FI, one that has served it well during
many years.
Such a move would be further complicated by the fact that the two
right-wing allies (and their minor ally, Brothers of Italy) have fielded
coalition candidates together, since, under the new electoral law, one
third of the seats are selected from single-member districts (SMDs)
according to a plurality rule. It is true that each of the candidates
came from one of these parties and, ultimately, is loyal to them,
however they have received the support of all right-wing voters. If the
Lega ignored this and agreed to join M5s in government, Berlusconi would
accuse them of betraying the electorate.
In the end, what we are left with while we still wait for the final
results to be confirmed is the certainty that populism continues to
dominate Italian politics. Everything else is a question mark.
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