Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Selected publications from 2008

The following are some recent publications by group members.
by Tom Behan
  • T. Behan, Defiance: The Untold Story of One Man Who Stood Up To The Sicilian Mafia, I.B. Tauris, London, 2008, pp214
  • T. Behan, See Naples and Die. The Camorra & Organised Crime, I.B. Tauris, London, 2009 [2nd ed.]
by Mark Donovan
  • M. Donovan and P. Onofri (eds), Politica in Italia. I fatti dell'anno e le interpretazioni (2008), Il Mulino, 2008
  • M. Donovan and P. Onofri (eds), Italian Politics. Frustrated Ambitions for Change, Berghahn, forthcoming.
by Carl Levy
  • C. Levy, "`Sovversivismo': The Radical Political Culture of Otherness in Liberal Italy", Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol 123,No. 2, 2007, pp. 147-161
  • C. Levy, "The Anarchist Assassin in Italian History, 1870s-1930s", in S. Gundle and L. Rinaldi (eds.), Assassination and Murder in Modern Italy. Transformations in Society and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan, New York and London, 2007, pp, 207-232, ISBN 13: 978-1-4039-8391-6.
  • C. Levy, L’État fasciste, antisémitisme et la Shoah: les grands courants historiographiques’, Revue de la Shoah, no. 189, July-December, 2008, pp. 497-510
by Bruno Mascitelli and Simone Battiston
  • Mascitelli, B and Battiston, S., The Italian expatriate vote: democratic right, democratic wrong or political opportunism? Ballan, Vic, Connor Court Publishing, 2008.
  • Battiston, S and Mascitelli, B., 'Full voting rights for Italian citizens overseas : citizenship gone global, Italianness or Italian party politics?' in Bronitt, S and Rubenstein, K (eds) Citizenship in a post-national world - Australia and Europe compared, The Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2008, pp. 1-23.
  • Battiston, S and Mascitelli, B 'The challenges to democracy and citizenship surrounding the vote to Italians overseas', Modern Italy, Vol. 13, no. 3, 2008, pp. 261-280.
by Gianfranco Pasquino
  • Pasquino, G. "Pourquoi il n'y a pas de social-démocratie en Italie", in Pôle Sud. Revue de science politique de l'Europe méridionale, n. 27/2, pp. 143-157
  • Pasquino, G. "Populism and Democracy", in D. Albertazzi e D.McDonnell (eds), Twenty-First Century Populism. The Spectre of Western European Democracy, London,-New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 15-29.
  • Pasquino, G. Review of Roberto Gritti e Mario Porcellini (a cura di), Elezioni senza precedenti. Dalle Primarie dell'Unione alle Politiche e al Referendum Costituzionale del 2006: voto, sistemi elettorali e comunicazione, Franco Angeli 2007, in Polis. Ricerche e Studi su Società e Politica in Italia, vol. XXI, Aprile 2008, pp. 158-160
  • Pasquino, G. "Gli anni del piombo rosso", in La Rivista dei Libri, vol. XVIII, n. 5, maggio 2008, pp. 8-10
  • Pasquino, G. "The Political Context", in J.L. Newell (ed.), The Italian general election of 2006, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2008, pp. 15-32
  • Pasquino, G. "Making sense of recent Italian politics", in Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 13, n.2, June 2008, pp. 259-264.
  • Pasquino, G. "Italy: The Never- ending Transition of a Democratic Regime", in J. Colomer, ed, Comparative European Politics, London, Routledge, 2008, pp. 135-173
  • Pasquino, G. "Le dinamiche della transizione italiana", in Futuribili, III Quadrimestre 2008, pp. 173-188.
  • Pasquino, G. "The 2008 Italian National Elections: Berlusconi's Third Victory", in South European Society and Politics, vol. 13, n. 3, September 2008, pp. 345-362.
  • Pasquino, G. "L'immaginario di sinistra", in Paradoxa, luglio/settembre 2008, pp. 22-29.
  • Pasquino, G. "Democratisation and De-democratisation in Italy", in Democratisation and De-democratisation in Europe?, Vienna, Karl Renner Institut-StudienVerlag, 2008, pp. 65-85
  • Pasquino, G. "Berlusconi IV", in La Rivista dei Libri", vol. XVIII, n. 11, novembre 2008, pp. 4-6.