Tuesday, 8 September 2015

PSA 2016 - Call for Papers for JOINT PANELS: "Visions of the EU in times of Crisis"

In view of next year's PSA annual conference (Brighton, 21-23 March 2016), the Italian Politics Specialist Group is advertising a call for papers for a joint panel organised in collaboration with the Irish, German, French, Greek, Scandinavian, and Comparative European Politics Specialist Groups.

The EU-ro crises and the end of the Good Life?
Competing national understandings and visions of the EU in times of crisis

There has been much talk and academic analysis about the multiple crises which have troubled the EU in recent years. Media reports and academic research have strongly focused on the enduring economic crisis which includes the Euro crisis that resulted from the global financial crash in 2007/8. However, the EU has also been confronted with political and cultural crises which are threatening to endanger the entire post-Second World War ‘European project’. Importantly, the EU is under threat no longer only from Eurosceptic right-wing parties and movements but increasingly also from Eurosceptic left-wing parties and movements. One central reason for the multiple crises is that different competing (national and sub-national) understandings of the EU and its future exist. These differences have not only been affected by Europe’s different national cultures and identities but also by how, within members states, different constituencies of voters have perceived their interests to have been affected by free trade, globalization and deepening integration.

The proposed joint panels aim to draw on the expertise of the members of various Specialist Groups by seeking contributions which critically assess different national and sub-national understandings of the EU (and the Eurozone specifically) and its future. To this end, we seek contributions focusing on how the multiple EU crises are perceived and what remedies are proposed in one or several member states by different constituencies (e.g. employees/employers; ‘ordinary voters’/members of the political class; ‘natives’/migrants) over different time periods.
We welcome both comparative and single-country analyses. We encourage proposals for both broader scoping papers on European integration and what it has meant to the EU as a whole and/or particular member states, as well as more specialised papers covering specific aspects of competing attitudes towards the EU and member states among different national and sub-national constituencies of voters. We also invite papers that focus on the impact of national identities on attempts to foster the creation of a European identity.

We would like to suggest that the joint panels could be used as an opportunity to produce a special issue for an academic journal or an edited book, selecting those contributions which closely share a common theme.

If you are interested in submitting a paper proposal, please send an abstract of max 300 words to your Specialist Group Convenor (for IPSG: Dr Daniele Albertazzi and Dr Arianna Giovannini) by Friday 2 October 2015.