Monday, 5 July 2021

PSA Specialist Groups Spotlight: Italian Politics

The PSA-IPSG has been featured in the July edition of PSA News:

Each month we seek to highlight the PSA members behind our fantastic specialist groups and the work and research they do. As this is our final e-newsletter before the summer, we are delighted to tell you about two of our specialist groups: the Conservatism Studies Specialist Group and the Italian Politics Specialist Group.
Specialist Groups Spotlight: Italian Politics 
The group is co-convened by:

Our newly elected executive committee is an international team of leading specialists and early career academics working on different areas of Italian and comparative politics. 

For 2021–24, our outgoing co-convenors Dr Antonella Seddone (University of Turin) and Dr Davide Vampa (Aston University) have left the helm to Prof Laura Polverari (University of Padova) and Dr Mattia Zulianello (University of Birmingham). 

Prof James Newell, founder of the Group, continues to be chair, while other executive committee members comprise Dr Paolo Chiocchetti (secretary and media officer, European University Institute), Dr Dario Quattromani (membership officer, Roma Tre University), Ms Donatella Bonansinga (UK liaison officer, University of Birmingham), Dr Stefano Camatarri (Italy liaison officer, Catholic University of Louvain), Dr Giulia Sandri (international relations officer, Catholic University of Lille), and Dr Antonella Seddone (US liaison officer, University of Turin). 

What are the aims of your Specialist Group?

The Italian Politics Specialist Group (PSA-IPSG) is a scholarly network devoted to the promotion of research on Italian Politics in the UK and abroad. It was founded in 2001 and in 2017 was awarded the PSA Specialist Group of the Year prize. We are particularly active in the study of party politics, elections, political institutions, and public policy but are interested in all areas of Italian Politics and Society, particularly in a comparative perspective and including the contribution of neighbouring disciplines such as History, Sociology, and Political Economy. We also facilitate the contact and exchange among Italian Politics specialists and between academics, students, practitioners, the media, and the general public. 

What activities do you undertake as a group?

We regularly organize panels at scholarly conferences (Political Studies Association, Società Italiana di Scienze Politiche, American Political Science Association), dedicated workshops, and networking events. We closely collaborate with other PSA specialist groups, professional associations, publishers, and individual scholars to produce joint events and publications. We also advertise new research, resources, and opportunities on Twitter (@PSA_IPSG), in our blog (, and through interviews and commentaries in the media.  

How can new members get involved or find out more?

We are open to all PSA members and non-members interested in Italian Politics and Society. 

To join the group please contact our membership officer Dario Quattromani ( and visit our PSA page ( We also look forward to meeting you in person – as soon as the COVID-19 situation allows – at our famous social evenings at the PSA Annual Conference!