We are happy to announce the publication of a new book on the Northern League by two long-standing PSA-IPSG members:
Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Vampa (2021). Populism in Europe: Lessons from Umberto Bossi's Northern League. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
The book offers a detailed and systematic analysis of the ideology, electoral and governmental performances, organisational model, type of leadership and member activism of the Northern League under its founder, Umberto Bossi (1991-2012). Based on a wealth of original research, the book identifies the Northern League’s consistent and coherent ideology, its strong leadership and its ability to create communities of loyal partisan activists as key ingredients of its success. Through their in-depth analysis, Albertazzi and Vampa show that the League has much to teach us about how populists can achieve durability and rootedness and how parties of all kinds can still benefit from a committed and dedicated membership today.
Full details on how to order the book can be found here.
A launch event for the book is being co-organised by the University of Surrey, Aston University, PSA Italian Politics Specialist Group and facilitated by the ESRC funded Populism in Action project led by Pro. Daniele Albertazzi and Dr. Stijn van Kessel. Register for the event running 16:00-17:30 (UK time) on 20th October 2021.