- Name
- Daniele Albertazzi
- University
- The University of Birmingham
- Position
- Senior Lecturer in European Media
- Address
- The University of Birmingham
Centre for European Languages and Cultures
Ashley building
Birmingham B15 2TT - Telephone
- +44 (0)121 4147 503
- d.albertazzi@bham.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Political communication; Western European populism.
- Name
- Percy Allum
- University
- Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- p.allum@tiscalinet.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Geoff Andrews
- University
- Open University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- G.L.Andrews@open.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Tom Behan
- University
- University of Kent at Canterbury
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- T.H.Behan@ukc.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof Richard Bellamy
- University
- Reading University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- r.p.bellamy@reading.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof Anna Bull
- University
- University of Bath
- Position
- Professor of Italian Studies, Department of European Studies and Modern Languages
- Address
- Telephone
- a.bull@bath.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Martin J. Bull
- University
- University of Salford
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- m.j.bull@salford.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Contemporary Italian Politics
The Italian Communist Party
The Political Left - Name
- Sonia Bussu
- University
- London School of Economics
- Position
- MPhil/PhD student
- Address
- Telephone
- S.bussu@lse.ac.uk
- Research interests
Italian politics; Urban governance; Participatory democracy.- Name
- Dr Donatella Campus
- University
- University of Bologna
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- dcam@interfree.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Giliberto Capano
- University
- University of Bologna
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- gcapano@sun1.spfo.unibo.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Eero Carroll
- University
- SOFI, Stockholm University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- Eero.Carroll@sofi.su.se
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Roberto Cartocci
- University
- University of Bologna
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- cartocci@ats.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Luciano Cheles
- University
- University of Poitiers, France
- Position
- Professor of Italian Studies
- Address
- Telephone
- cheles@noos.fr
- Research interests
- Italian propaganda and political communication, from Fascism to the present.
- Name
- Dr. Alastair Clark
- University
- Queen's University, Belfast
- Position
- Lecturer
- Address
- a.j.clark@qub.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Comparative political parties and party organisation; comparative party systems; electoral and local politics; and political participation
- Name
- Rino Coluccello
- University
- Coventry University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- s.coluccello@coventry.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Nicolò Conti
- University
- Centre for the Study of Political Change (CIRCAP), University of Siena
- Position
- Research Fellow
- Address
- Via Mattioli, 10 53100 Siena, Italy
- Telephone
- Research interests
- Parties and party systems, Europeanisation, Euroscepticism research projects Domestic elites and their attitudes toward the EU teaching Comparative Politics, Methodology for the Social Sciences, Italian Politics
- Name
- Prof. Oslvaldo Croci
- University
- Memorial University, Newfoundland
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- ocroci@mun.ca
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Donatella della Porta
- University
- University of Florence
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- dellaporta@mail.unifi.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Mario Diani
- University
- University of Trento
- Position
- Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Research
- Address
- Telephone
- mario.diani@soc.unitn.it
- Research interests
- social movements and collective action theory;
the network analysis of political processes;
environmental politics;
ethnonationalist movements;
social capital - Name
- Alessia Donà
- University
- University of Siena
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- Research interests
- Name
- Dr Mark Donovan
- University
- Cardiff University
- Position
- Address
Cardiff University
School of European Studies
PO Box 908
UK- Telephone
- +44-(0)29-2087-4727
- Donovan@Cardiff.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Phil Edwards
- University
- University of Salford
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- Research interests
- Protest cycles and political change
Radical social movements of the 1960s and 1970s
The uniqueness of the Italian Communist Party - Name
- Ilaria Favretto
- University
- Kingston University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- I.Favretto@Kingston.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Dr John Foot
- University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- j.foot@ucl.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Ernesto Gallo
- University
- University of Turin / Univ. of Birmingham
- Position
- Post-doctoral student, dept. of Politics / Visiting Lecturer, Department of Italian Studies
- Address
- Telephone
- e.gallo@bham.ac.uk
- Research interests
international relations theory;
historical sociology and change (Italy, Spain);
European federalism and globalisation;
political thought (Machiavelli, Gramsci, Bobbio).- Name
- Walter Geerts
- University
- University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- walter.geerts@pandora.be
- Research interests
- Name
- Dr Benito Giordano
- University
- University of Manchester
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- benito.giordano@man.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Dr David Hine
- University
- Oxford University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- david.hine@chch.ox.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Dr Jonathan Hopkin
- University
- University of Birmingham
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- J.R.Hopkin@bham.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- James Martin
- University
- Goldsmiths College, University of London
- Position
- Address
Department of Social Policy & Politics
Goldsmiths College
University of London
New Cross
London SE14 6NW- Telephone
- 0207 919 7754
- j.martin@gold.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Italian political thought and ideologies (20th C.)
Liberal socialism
Italian Communism
The Resistance and anti-Fascism
The Italian State (20th C.) - Name
- Bruno Mascitelli
- University
- Swinburne University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- BMascitelli@groupwise.swin.edu.au
- Research interests
- Name
- William McMurtrie
- University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- wmcmurtrie@hct.ac.ae
- Research interests
- The
rediscovery of Spinoza within leftist political philosophy (Althusser,
Balibar, Badiou .../ Deleuze, Negri, Virno ..). - Name
- Caterina Paolucci
- University
- European University Institute
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- cpaolucci@inwind.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Gianfranco Pasquino
- University
- University of Bologna
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- gfrpsq@tin.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Simona Piattoni
- University
- University of Trento
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- simona.piattoni@soc.unitn.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Nana Rodaki
- University
- Lancaster University
- Position
- PhD student
- Address
- County South,
Lancaster University,
Lancaster LA1 4YD,
UK - Telephone
- a.rodaki@lancaster.ac.uk
- Research interests
Cultural Political Economy,Information Age, the Knowledge-based economy- Name
- Sarah Rose
- University
- University of Birmingham
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- sarahrose@slr17.freeserve.co.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof Carlo Ruzza
- University
- Essex University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- cruzza@essex.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Darrow Scheter
- University
- Sussex University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- Research interests
- Name
- Daniela Sicrelli
- University
- Trento University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- dsicurel@hotmail.com
- Research interests
- Name
- Francesco Stolfi
- University
- University College Dublin
- Position
- Research Fellow
- Address
- School of Politics and International Relations
Belfield - Dublin 4 - Telephone
- +353-1-7167502
- fstolfi@ucd.ie
- Research interests
Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Federalism
Public Administration Reform
Core Executive- Name
- Luigina Toscano-Davies
- University
- Cardiff School of European Studies, Cardiff University
- Address
- Cardiff University
65-68 Park Place
Cardiff CF10 3AS
Wales UK - toscanol@cf.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Female employment policy in Europe and Italy
- Name
- Christina Ujma
- University
- Loughborough University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- C.Ujma@lboro.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Prof. Luca Verzichelli
- University
- University of Siena
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- verzichelli@unisi.it
- Research interests
- Name
- Paul Webb
- University
- Sussex University
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- P.Webb@sussex.ac.uk
- Research interests
- Name
- Manuela Williams
- University
- Strathclyde University
- Position
- Lecturer in Modern European History
- Address
University of Strathclyde
McCance Building
16 Richmond Street
G1 1XQ- Telephone
+44 141 548 2231
manuela.williams@strath.ac.uk- Research interests
Italian and European political history (20th C.)
Propaganda and political communication
Political and social history of the Middle East (20th C.)
Intelligence and international security and conflicts
Monday, 12 February 2007
Members of the Specialist Group
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